The NFL combine is an exiting time for young NFL candidates. This is when the players demonstrate their athleticism, skill level, and knowledge. They will demonstrate thier quickness, speed, explosiveness, and specific drill movements. Nutrition will be key in elevating their performances. Hopefully the meal choices will include plant based options for quick recovery, reduce lactic acid buildup, and stamina.
Several of my former NFL teammates have contacted me over the past few weeks. They have watched The Game Changer Movie, and are now asking how to get started. My philosophy is that all former NFL players can benefit from healthy nutrition. We experienced severe physical trauma, and have long term effects from playing the game. My belief is that we want to delay the onset of disease. For many of us healthy food can


Posted by Lucious Smith on  February 15, 2020
Today is the day to express your love and appreciation for your family and friends. Tonight we picked up a to go order from the Loving Hut in Anaheim. I hope everyone had a good day.


Posted by Lucious Smith on  February 13, 2020
Everyday more and more of us are finding out about plant based meal options. The other day I received a message from a gentleman in Germany who expressed his how The Game Changers Movie motivated him to become more dedicated and committed to live a plant based lifestyle. I have received many compliments before, but this one really helped me to understand the impact that the movie is making on people. Thank you for sharing
Today the Los Angeles Rams gave an Academic Awards Grant to Manual Arts High School for the most improved GPA. We were able to meet the students, and answer questions regarding the importance of education in their future. We were able to give examples of life experiences, and the path to our own individual successes. Congratulation to the students, as well as the faculty for providing a great learning environment.

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