WHAT I EAT FOR DINNER: Dr. Barnard & Other Plant-Based Doctors
Get your PERSONALISED whole-food plant-based meal guide today: https://www.plantbasednews.org/nfi/meal-plan OVER 100 WHOLE-FOOD PLANT-BASED RECIPES: from the biggest names in the plant based world – get 50% off by using PBN as discount code: https://bit.ly/2O1Iz0N With many thanks to so many people, including the doctors for taking part, Kaden Zipfel and Andrew Gough for editing. As well Mark Stolaroff for videograhpy help: http://www.markstolaroff.com In association with: Plantrician Project: https://plantricianproject.org/ Blue Horizon: https://www.bluehorizon.com/ Switch4Good: https://switch4good.org/ Plant-based Health …
Read more WHAT I EAT FOR DINNER: Dr. Barnard & Other Plant-Based Doctors